The Marketing Mindset: for lawyers and legal business owners

Starting a business is a journey fraught with challenges, each one causing sleepless nights. Normally, we look back on the journey though and we’re proud of our achievements. This morning, Tom spoke to a solicitor who is launching their new business. It’s a path that requires a resilient mindset, especially in marketing—a critical area often viewed as overwhelming by newcomers. Tom mentioned to our team this morning: “As I discovered through a recent interaction with a new prospect, who reached out after reading my article on setting up a business in their niche, embracing the 'Marketing Mindset' is vital.” This was a quote from the meeting - ‘You need to have a marketing mindset’…

Tom loves to mentor budding business owners giving them actions and holding them accountable as they grow. These are the sorts of steps business owners take:

 1. Evolving Challenges as Your Business Grows

In the early days, the challenges are about visibility and viability—getting noticed in a crowded marketplace and proving that your business model works. As your business grows, these problems evolve. You might then focus on scaling operations or refining your customer service. Each stage of growth brings new hurdles, and a marketing mindset helps you anticipate and adapt to these changes, ensuring your marketing strategies evolve in tandem with your business. Plan ahead to overcome challenges by thinking 3 steps ahead.

 2. The Power of a Supportive Network

“No entrepreneur is an island”. Not sure we can coin that phrase. Surrounding yourself with supportive people—mentors, peers, or a dedicated team—can make a substantial difference. These individuals not only provide moral support but can also offer fresh insights and strategies that enhance your marketing efforts. They are your sounding boards and your brainstorming partners, helping you refine your approach and stay motivated. This doesn’t have to cost you or your business money. It can be friends or other business owners etc. If, however, you’d like some assistance from our team, we have affordable options to ensure you take the right steps in growing your business.

 3. A Culture of Curiosity

Curiosity is the fuel for innovation. By fostering an inquisitive approach, you delve deeper into understanding your market, your competitors, and the evolving needs of your customers. Tom’s favourite questions to ask are Why and How. Asking these enables you to adapt your marketing strategies effectively, ensuring they remain relevant and impactful. Tom is happy to explain this on a discovery call.

 4. The Critical Role of Market Research

Understanding your market through thorough research is foundational. Knowing who your customers are, what they want, and how they communicate are all crucial elements that shape effective marketing strategies. This knowledge helps tailor your messaging, choose the right marketing channels, and create content that resonates, ensuring your marketing efforts hit the mark. Simple stuff in the beginning.

 5. Consistency is Key

Consistency in marketing does not just mean posting regularly on your social media channels; it means consistently presenting your brand’s core messages, values, and aesthetics across all platforms. This consistency helps build brand recognition and trust, critical factors in a crowded marketplace where customers are bombarded with choices. Simple steps repetitively WILL result in growth.

 6. Embracing Multiple Channels

Don’t be foolish - relying on a single marketing channel is seldom enough. An effective marketing strategy often involves multiple platforms—digital advertising, social media, email marketing, and perhaps traditional advertising like print and radio. Each channel reaches a different segment of your audience, and using a combination increases your visibility and impact. This ties into the 6-touch strategy that Tom always talks about.

 7. The Importance of Social Proof

Social proof, such as customer testimonials, reviews, and case studies, can significantly boost your credibility. These elements reassure potential customers of your product's or service's effectiveness and quality. Incorporating social proof and subliminal messaging into your marketing can enhance trust and influence purchasing decisions.

 8. Keep Swinging the Bat

This was a saying Tom heard on a podcast with Steven Bartlett. Perhaps the most critical aspect of the marketing mindset is resilience. Marketing, much like baseball, requires consistent effort—you can’t score if you don’t swing the bat. Some strategies will hit, others may miss, but the key is to keep trying, testing, and refining. Each attempt provides valuable insights, and even failures teach lessons that refine your approach.

Adopting a marketing mindset means embracing these principles, viewing each challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow. It's about being proactive, responsive, and resilient. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or seasoned business owner, developing a robust marketing mindset can dramatically increase your chances of success in the competitive business landscape. As you embark on this journey, remember: the right mindset is not just about selling a product or service—it’s about telling a story that resonates with your audience, building relationships, and creating lasting impressions.


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