Creating content - Understanding content for law firms

For many law firms and legal business owners, content creation is a challenge. It's both time-consuming and needs to address the mystical arts of SEO and user needs. In this article, we will be first go back to basics and talk about the different kinds of content and then we will give you some ideas to create relevant and engaging content.

When it comes to content, there are broadly two different types - long-form and short-form. Long-form content is typically anything over 1000 words and goes into great detail about a particular topic. On the other hand, short-form content is usually less than 1000 words and gives a more general overview of the topic.

The average blog length in 2018 was around 1200 words. According to Hubspot, in 2019 it was found that long-form blog posts (2000+ words) got 77.55% more organic traffic than short-form blog posts.

The benefits of long-form content are that it allows you to go into great detail about a particular topic. This is useful if you want to rank for certain keywords or if you want to establish yourself as a position of authority on a given topic.

A couple of thousand words is normally long enough to go into detail about a topic but short enough that people are willing to read it. It helps if your topics are broken down into sections with subheadings.

What are the benefits of long-form content?

The first benefit is that long-form content ranks better on Google. This is because Google sees longer articles as being more authoritative and more in-depth. This means that if you want to rank for certain keywords, long-form content is the way to go.

The second benefit is that long-form content allows you to establish yourself as an authority on a given topic. If you can write comprehensive and detailed articles on a subject, people will start to see you as an expert. This can be useful for both building your personal and business brand, and driving traffic to your website.

The third benefit is that long-form content is more likely to be shared on social media. This is because people tend to share articles that are comprehensive and offer value. If you can write long-form content that is valuable and informative, you are more likely to get people sharing it, which will help to drive traffic to your website.

So, there are three main benefits of long-form content: it ranks better on Google, it establishes you as an authority, and it is more likely to be shared on social media. Don't forget to include links in the content to other content on your website, or video content to keep people on your website for longer. Ensure to include a call to action and utilise information capture.

What are the benefits of short-form content?

The first benefit of short-form content is that it is easier to produce. If you don't have a lot of time to write long articles, then short-form content is the way to go. It is also easier to fit into people's busy schedules - if they only have a few minutes to spare, they are more likely to read a short article than a long one.

The second benefit of short-form content is that it can be more focused. If you only have a few hundred words to work with, you can't afford to go off on tangents. This means that your articles will be more focused and to the point, which can be useful for people who are looking for specific information.

The third benefit of short-form content is that it is more shareable. People are more likely to share a short article on social media than a long one. This is because it is easier for people to read and share a short article when they are busy.

So, there are three main benefits of short-form content: it is easier to produce, it is more focused, and it is more shareable.

The average peice of short-form content is around 1000 words long.

When it comes to long-form content vs short-form content, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on your goals and what you are trying to achieve. If you want to rank for certain keywords, then long-form content is the way to go. If you want to establish yourself as an authority, long-form content is also the way to go. And if you want to drive traffic to your website through social media, long-form content is the way to go. However, if you don't have a lot of time to write long articles, or if you want to produce more focused and shareable content, then short-form content is the way to go.

It's important to remember that both long-form and short-form content have their own benefits, and it's up to you to decide which one is right for your needs. If you're not sure, try experimenting with both and see what works best for you. Remember to look at your data and see what content is working and driving traffic and revenue.

Where to get ideas for content?

There are a few ways to come up with ideas for content. One way is to look at what other people in your industry are writing about and see if there are any gaps that you can fill. Another way is to look at the questions that people are asking in forums or on social media, and then write articles that answer those questions. You can also use keyword research to come up with ideas for content. Just enter a few keywords into Google and see what comes up. You can also look at the related searches that come up at the bottom of the page. Another way to come up with ideas is to look at the trends in your industry and write about them. And finally, you can look at your own data to see what content is performing well and write more articles like that.

There are a few things to keep in mind when you're creating content. First, make sure that the title is catchy and attention-grabbing. Second, make sure that the article is well-written and free of grammar mistakes. Third, make sure that the article is relevant to your audience. Fourth, make sure to include a call to action at the end of the article. And fifth, make sure to promote your content on social media and other channels.

If time is a real issue and you simply don't have time to create content, speak to our friendly team and we can support you. We provide a cost-effective content solution and do anything from one-off blogs to regular inclusions. We can post these or schedule them for you and help you to analyse the data.

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