Legal Growth founder - Tom Stansfield launches Marketing Book

Growing a business doesn't necessarily happen overnight, instead, it takes time and effort and often with the support of key people and resources. If you're operating a legal business then the launch of a new book by Legal Growth founder - Tom Stansfield will undoubtedly help and whilst it's written for private client practitioners and Will writers, the marketing knowledge is easily transferable to other legal specialities.

The book is available on Amazon and is full of actionable marketing advice, tips, and tactics that you can implement in your business immediately. Marketing your legal business doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming, and Tom's step-by-step guide, it'll show you how easy it can be.

The book is broken down into 101 tips which cover areas like Social Media, Improving your Website, and Branding, as well as having some tips from an experienced marketer thrown in.

If you want to learn more about how to market your legal business and attract new clients then this is the book for you. You can order your copy today using this link. The book is only £9.99 and offers excellent value for money when you consider that the average transaction value within the private client sector is nearly £500.

So, there we have it, the launch of a brand new marketing book by Legal Growth founder - Tom Stansfield. Be sure to grab your copy and start implementing some of the tips.

As a little teaser, here is a tip from the book:

'Know, Like and Trust'

Before a client knows us, likes us and trusts us enough to part with their hard-earned cash, they need an understanding that we are an honest and reputable business.

Typically, where a prospect has no knowledge of our brand, it takes (on average) 6 touches before they know us, like us and trust us enough to purchase from us.

The exposure to our brand needs to be calculated and structured. Other factors like price come into the equation too. This means we need to work hard to ensure that we build trust (and place ourselves in a position of authority), educate and encourage those we want to serve using those 6 touches and don’t waste opportunities when the client is ready to purchase.



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