How to Reverse a Google Ads Account Suspension

Getting your Google Ads account suspended is a huge headache. Not only do you lose access to the advertising platform, but you also have to go through a long and arduous process to get it reinstated. In this blog post, we will walk you through the steps that you need to take to reverse a Google Ads account suspension.


Understand the Reason for Your Suspension

The first step in reversing a Google Ads account suspension is to understand why your account was suspended in the first place. Google will provide you with an explanation as to why they felt it necessary to suspend your account, and you must take this time to fully comprehend the issue. Here are some of the most common reasons:


1.       Not Following Advertising Policies: Google Ads has very strict policies when it comes to advertising content, and if you don’t adhere to them, your account could be suspended. Make sure that the content of your ads follows all of Google’s guidelines so that they can continue running without any issues.


2.       Using Prohibited Subjects: Some topics are not allowed on Google Ads, such as gambling, alcohol, drugs, and more. If you advertise any of these subjects via Google Ads, your account will likely be suspended.


3.       Making False Claims: Making false or misleading statements in your ads is prohibited by Google Ads and could lead to your account being suspended.


4.       Not Complying with Payment Terms: If you fail to pay for your ads on time or use fraudulent methods of payment, Google Ads may suspend your account.


5.       Spam and Malicious Content: Google Ads takes a zero-tolerance approach to any content that is deemed malicious or spamming in nature. If your ads contain any of this type of content, your account may be suspended.


Address the Concerns

Once you’ve taken the time to fully understand why your account was suspended, it’s time to address the concerns. You will need to review all of Google’s policies and make sure that your account is in compliance with them. If there are any areas where you need improvement, you must make the necessary changes.


Submit a Reactivation Request

Once you have addressed all of Google’s concerns, you can then submit a reactivation request to them. Make sure to include an explanation as to why your account should be reinstated and provide any additional evidence that could prove your case.


Follow Up

Once you have submitted your reactivation request, it’s important that you follow up with Google to make sure they received your request. If possible, try to get in contact with a representative so that you can discuss the issue further and increase the chances of getting your account reinstated.


By following these steps, you can increase your chances of getting your Google Ads account reinstated. Of course, it’s not always a guarantee that your account will be reactivated, but if you take the time to understand why it was suspended and make sure that it complies with all of Google’s policies, then you have a much better chance.


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